Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Vinyl Record Bowl

For quite a while, I've had some old records that I had intended to make into bowls.  Well, I finally did the project, but couldn't find the original tutorial that I had seen way back when.  When I went to do this the other day, I found two different tutorials online, using two different methods.  I mostly used the baking method but with some of the shaping aspects of the boiling water method.  Which is, to shape my first bowl (first two pictures) I pressed the record between two mixing bowls.  I also used a sauce pan to shape my second bowl (third picture), so it would turn out more like a tray style bowl. 
I like how they turned out.  I'm actually using the first bowl to hold fruit in my kitchen, and the second on a side table to hold snacks.  The links to find out how to do it are at the bottom.



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