
My name is Grace.  I consider myself a bit quirky, but relatively normal in the grand scheme of things.  I'm a twenty-something American girl going with the flow of life.  I was in the band in high-school, went to college, moved around a bit trying to find my place, meanwhile searching for truth and meaning in the world.  I had a few reasons to start this blog.  Let me list them:

Like many people, I've spent a lot of time online and browsing brick-and-mortar stores looking for a particular item, only to come up empty.  Sometimes, that item is miraculously available, but for an inordinate amount of money that normal people can't afford.  Call me thrifty, but awesomeness shouldn't be super expensive.

Often times I find myself shopping and I'll come across something that I absolutely love... but find myself thinking, "I could probably make this myself," or  "I don't know if I want to spend this much for something that I know costs a fraction that amount to make."

Like most people, I like certain TV shows, movies, books, etc.  I realize I'm a fan, and not being the figurine-on-a-shelf/giant-poster-on-my-wall sort of person, would love to have some sort functional item that plays off aspects of that show without shouting it to the world.  Perhaps even as an inside joke between me and fellow fans.  Shout-out to all the closet geeks out there!  (Warning:  You might notice a large number Doctor Who and Star Trek themed projects)

I've also found myself in day-to-day life thinking that I don't "do anything of substance" or that I want to make things, have a finished product that I can see after working for so long.

Sometimes, I come up with ideas that, frankly, I think are pretty awesome, but no place to display them; no real reason or motivation to actually go through with it except to just do it.  

Lately, I've been doing more and more of these aforementioned crafting projects and recently had a couple thoughts about them.  One, is that I should have a place to show them and talk about it to people who want to listen (besides bombarding my Facebook friends' news feeds) and two, I would love to try to sell some of this stuff and hopefully make a dollar or two.  (Which is a variation of a dream/goal I've had for several years)  This blog, is a great way to try and accomplish most of those things I've mentioned above.