Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Simple Bag Clips

This is the simplest thing in the world to do.  Make bag clips out of store hangers.  I basically saw this on Pinterest and decided to do it, although, I added a step.

When snapping off the end, try not to do it right next to the clip, so that it doesn't crack and so that you get the whole clip off.  

Then, I trimmed the edge with shears, or tin snips if you have them, so that it's a fairly straight edge.  

I then took a lighter and carefully melted the edge slightly so that it wasn't jagged and sharp.

 Note of caution:  Plastic will catch on fire, so don't stick it directly in the flame.  If it does light, blow it out.  Also, try not to burn your fingers or hair or clothes, etc.  


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