Saturday, February 4, 2012

More Crochet Stuff

I went on a little hiatus from posting so I thought I'd put a couple quick somethings up to satisfy readers while I work on the next few projects.  I thought I'd start by sharing a couple of crochet projects I did last year.  

Pumpkin Amigurumi

The first is a little pumpkin I did before Halloween.  The pattern was actually a Jack-O-Lantern, but when I finished the main pumpkin (including the stem and leaf), I decided that I liked it the way it was.  My cat agreed.  She kept jumping on the shelf I had it on and knocking it down so she could play with it.  

Another thing I did before Halloween is a couple of baby bibs for my boss's new baby.  I got these patterns at Lion Brand Yarn, like most of my patterns, and there were a lot of characters to choose from.  I did the Jack-O-Lanterns because it was so close to Halloween and the froggie because, well, I like frogs and I thought it was cute.  Also available were a ducky, owl, piggy, and a whole slew of classic Halloween characters.  The frog required embroidering the mouth on and I had never been taught "proper embroidering technique" so I kinda just winged it.  I also added an extra round to the pupils but I don't really like the placement of the left eye.  Mine looks nothing like the picture on the pattern.  Looking at it now, it's a bit freaky looking... oh, well.  Still mostly cute.  

One last thing to share is a cell phone pouch I essentially threw together.  I didn't have a pattern.  I just crocheted lengthwise, alternating single crochet stitches and I want to say half-double crochet stitches, with scrap yarn.  I incorporated a button-hole in the middle near the top of the strip.  Folded it and sewed up the sides, then attached a button on the casing under the button hole.  Next time, I'll probably work back and forth, or even in a round.  I tend to start tight and loosen up, which happened here in an extreme.  The flap, and the inner opening, are both at an angle, which the pic hides decently enough.  

Crochet Patterns
Happy Pumpkin:
Jack-O-Lantern Bib:
Frog Bib: 

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